BeautiCITY – 悅己之都 自愛之旅


BeautiCITY – 悅己之都 自愛之旅

We'd like to thank you for being such an integral part of our BeautiCity - A Beauty and Wellness Fair held on 27 May 2023 at Centricity - Landmark. Your presence was greatly appreciated, and we hope you had a good time as much as we did. We look forward to seeing you at our next events. Thank you again for all you did to make this event a success!

繽紛熱鬧的美容健康購物體驗日 (2023年5月27日)

全港No. 1 一站式優質美容預約平台MindBeauty於置地廣場 Centricity 舉辦的美容及健康界盛會BeautiCITY場面熱鬧。當日雲集超過30多間美容美髮健康生活品牌的美容師、髮型師、養生專家、專業健身教練、美容達人等,除設有講座,亦與現場參加者互相交流,分享扮靚知識。所有入場人士免費享用夏日特飲及獲得價值超過$3,500元的豐富禮品包,還可以嘗試各種最新美容療程及產品、健康養生食品;由髮型師即席設計時尚髮型,化妝師亦即場示範不同妝容,健身教練為參加者提供身體呼吸機能鍛煉、智能分析儀健康諮詢等。另外多位醫生及抗衰老專家講解嶄新逆齡研究及健康資訊,讓參加者於繁囂都市中享受一個舒適又繽紛熱鬧的美麗之旅。出席嘉賓包括美容業頂尖品牌負責人、KOL 、時尚達人、MindBeauty VIP 及 Centricity 會員。今次活動贊助商及 MindBeauty 合作夥伴包括The CLUB by HKT、PURE Group、Spa L'Occitane及DP PLACE等。MindBeauty提供不一樣的扮靚O2O體驗,定期為會員帶來各類極chill的扮靚活動。有興趣成為會員, 可立即下載手機程式,近距離接觸一眾時尚達人及網紅,享受非凡的時尚盛會!

Beauticity presented by MindBeauty

Join our self-care day journey by taking a break from the stress of everyday life and engaging in our unique experiences that promote Hair and Makeup Workshop, Sustainable Beauty Talk, Wellness and Fitness, Beauty Talks and Styling Advice.

BEAUTICITY has partnered with the top beauty and wellness brands to provide guests with all the comforts of an ideal “Self-Care Day”. Beauticity is powered by MindBeauty in partnership with Centricity and Brand partners include: PURE GROUP, Emmanuel f., Spa L'Occitane, Spa Beaute Par Zai, DP by Dr. Pura Cheng and Cocoxells, etc.

Booths and activities at BEAUTICITY 2023 have been selected to heal the mind, feed the soul, and put you in your most relaxed state. The Beauty & Spa Zone will feature an unrivaled experience by MindBeauty’s top vendors, activities in include a Relaxation, Make Up & Hairstyling, nail etc.

Join all-day talks at The Wellness Zone where specialists will discuss a range of topics, including women’s health and fitness, sustainable beauty, entrepreneurship, self-care and personal development, as well as Perfumery and Aromatherapy workshop etc.

We have sought out Hong Kong’s skilled trainers, wellness experts to teach masterclasses at the Fitness Zone, including InBody Composition analysis, Alignment and Posture checkup etc. Lifestyle Zone offers a totally new shopping experience! Apart from these unique experiences, guests will be treated to a curated marketplace featuring special deals and surprises from all our brand partners.

BeautiCITY – 悅己之都 自愛之旅

MindBeauty 是全港 No. 1 一站式優質美容預約平台,並將在2023年5月27日(星期六) 於遮打大廈2樓 - Centricity 隆重舉行一日限定的 BEAUTICITY ,在此誠邀各位參與這次的大型盛會,與我們渡過寵愛自我、並給予自己一個交流學習及放鬆的一天。是次售票活動將聯同多個頂級美容及健康品牌合作,務求讓你於繁囂都市中享受一個既舒適又難忘的自愛體驗之旅,BEAUTICITY 由 MindBeauty 與 Centricity 和 携手合作舉辦,而眾多合作品牌夥伴包括:PURE GROUP、Emmanuel f.、Spa L'Occitane、Spa Beaute Par Zai、DP by Dr. Pura Cheng 和 Cocoxells 等。

BEAUTICITY 2023 為大家精心挑選不同而獨特的活動與體驗,活動主題旨在療癒身心、滋養靈魂,讓您處於最放鬆的時刻。The Beauty & Spa Zone 更會提供 MindBeauty 最無與倫比的專貴美容體驗,也可於 The Wellness Zone 參與由專家們主持的講座,探討各類女性主題,令你更了解自已,尋找真我!而體驗亦包括健康分析、運動與健康、可持續美容、創業、自我護理和個人發展等不同熱門話題。

是次活動邀請了多位香港極具豐富經驗的導師和專家,在 Fitness Zone 為參加者進行深造課程,內容包括美妝髮型工作坊、 智能分析儀健康諮詢、脊柱平衡和身體姿勢諮詢、香水與芳香療法等。除了這些獨特體驗外,還可以在場專享我們與合作夥伴所提供的特別優惠及驚喜。除了多項美容與健康體驗活動,更可以於 F&B Zone 享用免費飲品,與朋友一起暢談休息一番後再繼續參與活動,享受最身心放鬆的歡樂時光。

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Beauticity presented by MindBeauty

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